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Uranium Mine In Production + New Mill In Construction - George Glasier

Hi friends,

just finnished interview with CEO George Glasier from Western Uranium and Vanadium (CSE:WUC / OTCQX: WSTRF), a U.S. uranium developer and producer with assets in Utah and Colorado. The company is currently in the proces of building a mill - new state-of-the-art mineral processing plant.

To find out more about the company you can visit their website:

Enjoy the interview and as always if you have any questions for me or my guests you know you can reach out to me at any time.


Video content

0:00 Intro

0:37 - 4:08 George Glasier background and uranium path

4:09 - 5:44 Uranium market, why the equities are not following spot price

5:45 - 6:52 Vanadium market

6:53 - 7:19 Have you sold any vanadium so far

7:20 - 9:15 Sunday Mine complex operations

9:16 - 10:29 Stockpile quantity, value and grade

10:30 - 11:33 Timeline and quantities of production from Sunday Mine

11:34 - 13:14 New drill on site

13:15 - 17:13 New Mill, construction update, overview

17:14 - 21:28 Financing of the Mill

21:29 - 23:30 Mill permits and licence still required

23:31 - 25:41 Tool milling agreement with Energy Fuels, accepting ore from other companies

25:42 - 28:17 San Rafael Uranium Project

28:18 - 30:40 ISL potential for the projects

30:41 - 32:11 Taylor-Hansen project,

32:12 - 33:27 Sage Mine project

33:28 - 36:26 Kinetic Separation technique and the value it adds to your company

36:27 - 38:04 M&A

38:05 - 39:32 Acquiring projects from companies or stacking

39:33 - 41:38 Available land for stacking in known districs

41:39 - 42:33 Why is the company undervalued

42:34 - 43:23 Financial position, future raise

43:24 - 43:40 Skin in the game

43:41 - 44:20 Share structure

44:21 - 46:26 Team

46:27 - 48:26 Newsflow in the upcoming period


IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of this content is a financial advice of any kind or solicitation to buy or sell any equities or other financial products. This contetnt is only for educational and/or entertainment purposes. Do your own deep research before making any financial decisions. I may own stocks mentioned in this content.

Investment in stocks can lead to a big financial loss so do not invest or listen to any advices before you consult your financial advisor.


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